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By updating our Neighbourhood Plan the communities of our area can:


✔ have more influence on future development of the area: An approved (or made) plan has the same legal status as the Wiltshire Local Plan. It therefore provides a significant opportunity for communities to influence local planning decisions, as planning applications are determined ‘in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise’. 


✔ be proactive: Having a Neighbourhood Plan is a way for our community to positively address growth rather than to respond on an ad hoc basis to planning applications.


✔ address local issues: Rather than Wiltshire or wider area issues, a Neighbourhood Plan can guide where new homes, shops or offices should go in the area and protect specific green spaces that are valued by the community, and safeguard other environmental assets we value.


✔ deliver local funds: When a Neighbourhood Plan is approved, 25% of the Community Infrastructure levy (CIL) from development in the area will go to the Town and/or Parish Council. (15% is available if a plan is not in place). An updated Plan helps to define priority projects to be funded from such CIL funds.


The Steering Group are making sure as many people as possible in our local community can get involved. â€‹

What is being updated ?

The Steering Group and other interested people undertook an evidence gathering exercise before looking to change or add to the existing Neighbourhood Plan.


The revised plan is structured into chapters and summaries of them (as at March 2024) are available via the links below. 

  1. Overall Summary

  2. Climate Change and Sustainability

  3. Natural Environment

  4. Built Environment

  5. Community Facilities

  6. Getting Around

  7. Working and Shopping

  8. Housing

The public were invited to comment on the draft plan and all the evidence in Feb & March 2024. The feedback is being reviewed and the aim is to submit the plan to Wiltshire Council at the end of May 2024.


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Reviewing and Updating the Neighbourhood Plan 

Who & How

How is the Plan Review being undertaken?

The Steering Group is the body of people appointed to manage and lead on the  Neighbourhood Plan. They are charged with overseeing and advising on the review of the Neighbourhood Plan. This is very much a community-led Plan so there are representatives from both Councils and the wider community.


The Steering Group is sponsored by, and reports to Calne Town Council and Calne Without Parish Council, as the accountable body.


The Steering Group meets on a regular basis. Minutes and agendas can be found in the Useful Documents section of this website.


During 2022 and 2023 consultation and engagement took place on a number of topics and the feedback was incorporated into the revised draft plan. The draft plan was consulted on during February and March 2024 - a formal stage known as Regulation 14. Find out more about past consultations by clicking here.

Who is on the Steering Group?

Calne Town (CT) Council

Robert MacNaughton (also Friends of Marden Valley)

Celia Stevens (also Sustainable Calne)

Alan Hill

Sam Pearce-Kearney


Calne Without (CWo) Parish Council

John Barnes

Keith Robbins


Members of the Public

Ed Jones

Sarah Glen

Doug Price  (also CWoP Cllr)

Julie Wakeham  (CARP)

Tim Havenith (CT Cllr / Calne Heritage Centre / Calne Community Nature Reserve)
Ioan Rees (also CWoP Cllr)

James Gladding (Sustainable Calne)



The Steering Group is supported by staff in the Town and Parish Council, and the appointed Planning Consultant - Place Studio.


Steering Group members Register of Interests

Steering Group
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